Whatever they say and beyond controversy, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day to fill you with nutrients and face the day in the best possible way. Check out the following 4 easy and delicious breakfasts to start your day. Watermelon toast with fresh cheese: Perhaps you had never considered it before, but watermelon is one ...
This lentil salad with salmon, avocado, and feta cheese is much more than that since it incorporates a good variety of ingredients, each one “pulling its own ground” in terms of flavor but combining perfectly which makes the mixture authentic. Red pepper, feta cheese, mustard, lime, red onion, capers, and even tabasco (optional) complete the cast of this super salad ...
If you are in search of the best and healthy breakfast, then you should not miss checking out this recipe. It is avocado toast which can take multiple and varied forms. A typical combination is to crown the creamy base of the fruit with salmon, but in this recipe, we propose to use the softest cod. Also adding some fine ...
Here we give you several superfoods that help to improve your health. Black beans: By consuming a cup of black beans you are ingesting 15 grams of pure protein similar to that contains red meat, but the best thing is that unlike this, black beans contain fat. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of the cereals that provide the most nutrients. It ...