Having breakfast with the family is an activity that is enjoyed a lot and that normally, due to the different schedules, we cannot share with ours as much as we would like. For the weekends or for the next holidays, we propose three fun and quick ideas to share those moments by preparing a special breakfast. Two-color toast: Nothing is ...
We all love having a good breakfast, although each of us likes different things. We all have a great breakfast daily, but since we all want to try something new, we have provided the best 5 breakfasts from other countries in the following. The American breakfast: Although Americans have a wide variety of breakfasts, the most characteristic is pancakes with ...
Combining legumes with vegetables always seems like a good match. They are usually soupy dishes that are served hot and are the most comforting although there are also tapas and appetizers prepared with that combination, so the possibilities are many. Ingredients: – 300 gr of dried chickpeas. – 1 onion. – 2 carrots – 2 cloves. – 3 garlic cloves. ...
You will surely like the recipes that are made with seasonal products since this way we get the best flavor for that dish and it is also usually cheaper. Ingredients: – 1 spring onion. – 1 leek – 1 tomato. – 200 gr of pumpkin. – 200 gr of round green beans. – 200 gr of cooked and drained beans. ...
Vegetable creams are an easy and tasty way to eat vegetables from everything and some creams are prepared with a mixture of vegetables. Ingredients: – 2 bunches of fresh spinach, which usually weigh about 600 grams in total. If you use frozen spinach, I estimate you will need between 400 and 500 gr. – 2 cloves of garlic – 1 ...
Hot and comforting, cold and refreshing – how do you like vegetable creams? In any way and adapting them to the time of year it is one of our favorite preparations with vegetables and the best of all is that there are combinations of all kinds. Ingredients: – 6 carrots (about 450 gr). – 1 leek (without the green part, ...
Cheeseburgers are super delicious and easy to make also they are hard to beat in taste as compared to any other burger. They happen to be the people’s easy lunch meal, dinner meal, or a quick snack. A cheeseburger is a hamburger with a cheese slice placed at the top of the bun or is placed inside the bun ...
Obesity is one of the major issues in the US. To lose excess weight or to stop the weight gain, diet played the most important part. What food to have and what to avoid really can make a difference. So, what food/meal would be the healthiest for you to have for dinner. There are many food items you could have ...
Americans have some of the most delicious food. For every meal of the day, one would have tons of options to choose from. The same goes for the dinner. But, what a typical American dinner would look like? When you want to have a typical American dinner, you still get to choose from many options available. A typical American ...
Here you have the recipe for the famous ham and cheese flutes, and many ideas to prepare them with different preparations and always to your liking. To make these ham and cheese flutes there are several procedures, they can be fried or toasted. We have prepared them with corn tortillas and we have toasted and baked them. But we give ...